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In connection with making 2020 One City - One Standard Target Year announced by
The Ulaanbaatar City Mayor’s Office, the application is registering Violations, but it is
possible to expand the information and surveys registered by the khoroo leaders in
the future. The application runs on mobile IOS.
Mobile application of Manai khoroo system is designed for use by the kheseg
leaders of more than 3,000 units in 173 khoroos of 9 districts of the capital city, and it
is possible to keep records with or without internet.

The application doesnt register any users, it is for official use only. Mayor of Ulaanbaatar offices specialists will register users who use the application and register violations in https://manaikhoroo.mn/. Users will log in to the application with the login name and password registered in the system https://manaikhoroo.mn/